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Location: Formerly Jivetown, Formerly Jiveland

Write as little or as much as you'd like...oh I shall. Try and stop me.

Monday, June 06, 2005

blue feather, blue feather
where have you fallen??
to another's dorr
who cannot possibly appreciate you
at all
i wish you back
i want you back
to float in my life once more

but i know your master, the wind
will not keep you within
my reach.
and to it all i continue to see you fall
while obeying the master
out of my reach...


Blogger Footprint said...

KELSO: It's about me seeing a picture of a blue feather and thinking that it wanted to escape...yea, i was anthropormorphasizing waaaaayyyy to much with that, but whatever moves me...

12:51 PM  
Blogger Footprint said...

BLUE: thanks. hope has come back into my life but not without a wabble. belief is also a part of hope. you must make the leap the get to the belief.

MELINA: Whatever you get out of it was what it was supposed to tell you. Come back again.

KELSO: Yea, whatever moves me. Things do not and never can mean one thing at a time. I have learned that many, many times.

11:04 AM  

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