
[this most excellent image was pilfered from, which has many more enticing images on it]
There she is.
Upon the rock of my heart
And I look at her, beauty afar.
Her hair shades long, her eyes aglow.
The stillness of decision in her posture,
The resolve of confirmed existence in her face.
Revealing everything in mumbles
She drinks unpronouncable champagne
"Japan and Peru are throwing their chocolates at you"
And she catches the overhanded throw.
My heart has begun to grow wild flowers again
The buds shaking off sleep and receive the unfamiliar sun.
She gets off my heart, respecting the growth and points to the corona
"I'm thinkin' a road trip is in order."
Arms spread downward, eyes closed the earth recedes
Her hair winks in the wind and i follow due north the course
Chocolate can be delivered
Champagne can be made
A road trip is undertaken
And my heart grows life again.
She mumbles, drinks chanpagne and eats exotic chocolate. You kermit, she miss piggy??
Dinner at 8?
G.D.: She's a cheap date that doesn't talk alot...Make it 7...*smirk*
reminder to self: get thick, dark curtains for windows and soundproof apartment...also find new place to hide champagne and chocolate stash.
Yeah...where did the romance go? LOL
Maybe when you meet her, you will get "it".
KELSO: Though the subject be the same. It was more about her being real and a being that does her own thing. It may not romantic but it is expresssive of who she is.
SWAYER: And when your done polish your boots and re-string your corset...hee hee
G.D.: I met her. I get "it". If you ever meet her you'd get it too...
BLUE: Thanks.
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