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Location: Formerly Jivetown, Formerly Jiveland

Write as little or as much as you'd like...oh I shall. Try and stop me.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

all things relative
all is nothing and all things to everything
sit in the dark and watch the darkness of the room reach out
to the corners.
it reches you and you wonder what it can be as it grabs you
and devours you whole until you are in its stomach
raechel welch is down there with you.
you see eachother
you don't know who you are except
what;s going on around you is far from the the boundaries of your
scooby-doo sheets
lizard men dance around a fire far beneath you.
where your feet are
you see them
in the crack in the floor
the shadows throw you through the wall because you leap at
the sight of your own hand brushing your hair back.
creeping down steps to the left
trying 2 make noise to get attention
that's all you've wanted up til now.
but no. they dance to the drums with the ancients
the skins of their enemies wound and strung tightly over them.
the air is tribal.
you feel your heart pounding.
out of yuor chest, slowly, it comes.
your neck crinks.
you walk funny.
your skin turns clammy.
you leap out and dance around the
incinerating mounds of ashes and logs crumpling under four hundred degrees.
raechel stands silent.
waiting for the murderous frenzy to begin.
she awaits the repping leathery sound of flesh being torn by razor-sharp nails.
but no.
all she sees is the hunt dance.
stomping feet await the hardness of the ground in order to reset position
and thunder again
so that Leviathan complains.
faster and faster
round and round
the endless cycle fo movement
hearts beating sweat
fast faster
round round
all things to nothing, float through raechels's mind.
she wonders not.
her instinct takes over -
a hundred nights under the moon,
the plains on which her ancestors romped the earth in heated passion towards the gods and howled towards the eternal Gates of Mordor to the lights and stars
and in the jungle heat
heard the screeching of the birds as they pierced the night
this cry sends a flicker of anger throught the eyes of the hunters to all their prey.

and the eye closes...



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